Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Saturday, August 4, 2007
So Much For Weekly Updates...

I'm here now though so here goes....
The kids are well. Connor and Chris are preparing for Boy Scout Summer Camp. They'll spend next week in the Shenandoah Valley. Lucky ducks!!
Olivia, Glen and I will hang out here and get some work done. We'll also have some fun going to the pool and playing games. We may even have a bike ride or two.
Glen is ready for school to begin. He misses seeing his friends and he's looking forward to being a third-grader!!
Olivia has been active and sassy, as usual. She's constantly moving and "talking." Her newest word is, "Miiiiinne!" Said with a frown on her pretty little face. She is not shy about telling us what she wants. Fortunately she recovers quickly when she is told, "No!" ;-)
Chris' Mom, sisters, and step-dad visited us last month so I'm including some pics from their visit. We really enjoyed having them here. Maybe it can become a tradition. Hmmm.
Food for thought, Debbie. :-)
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Can you belive it's been over four months?!

She is now a confident walker (and runner), she's eating almost anything placed on her highchair, and she's learning new words and communicating effectively most of the time.
Friday, March 23, 2007
Just a Quick Update...
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Olivia Walking
I remember 3 weeks ago when she could barely walk the two feet between the beds in the hotel room. I guess all those laps in the hotel are paying off.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Feeling human again
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Two more Thursdays!
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Monday, March 5, 2007
Does This Look Like A Boy To You?!
Sunday, March 4, 2007
Two BIG steps today
I added the gotcha video to a private group at youtube. Here is the link ( Once you register and log on, you can request to join this group. If there any response, I'll post more.
Saturday, March 3, 2007
Into the White Swan
After that photo, a bunch of stuff happened that I'd rather not remember, much less talk about. Let's just say if I knew she would be OK, the little one would take the plane ride in the cargo area.
Then we got to Guangzhou. This is Olivia saying "Get that camera out my face" (ala Nacho Libre).
This is Olivia playing with Kim's hair on the way to the hotel.
This is the hotel.
This is the view from our room in the daytime.
This is our view at night. (No that's not the same boat... well, it could be, but it moved. All the boats move here... except the big red one that you can't see in these pictures.)
Friday, March 2, 2007
Goodbye Changsha - Hello Guangzhou
Last night I (Chris) was treated to dinner at a local restaurant by the parents of a foreign exchange student who is being hosted by Lisa. Thanks, Doris. Your parents were wonderful hosts, and I really enjoyed the "Long Happiness" restaurant where we ate. They were very thoughtful and ordered me a steak just in case I didn't like the local cuisine, but there was no need. I loved everything. We had cold boiled chicken, smoked fish, octopus soup, fish head porridge, chilli pepper salad, baked fish, meat dumplings, and many other things I don't really know what they were, but they were all delicious. Kim really wanted to go, but Olivia's table manners are not really very good yet, and it was close to bedtime before we left. She was especially sad to have missed it when I told her what delicious food we ate.
Today we went to the museum in Changsha where they have artifacts from several tombs that were dug here thousands of years ago. This is what Olivia looked like for most of the time at the museum: This is the lady that they found in the tomb as she looked over 2000 years ago:
This is her now (makes me think of a Budweiser commercial from a few superbowls back):
This is her stomach:
There is more of her to view upon request.
Tomorrow morning we leave Changsha for Guangzhou where we will spend the next 5 days. Guangzhou is the last stop in China before we return home. I am interested to see how Olivia does on the short plane ride, and with the change in scenery. Speaking of my favorite daughter... here are some more pictures...
Lastly... post a response, please. It is great to read words of encouragement and to feel like our freinds and family are with us on this journey.
Chris, Kim, and Olivia